Messtival Volume 3
MESSTIVAL VOLUME 3 – 04.05.2024
START: 14:00
- 00h30: Bobby Bieles Live Band
Bobby Bieles Live Band takes you on a captivating musical odyssey replaying the biggest Hip-Hop hits of the last three decades. Expertly orchestrated by Bobby Bieles on the decks and enriched by the drums of John “Ragga” Wolter and the bass of Mateus “Maddy” Wojda, the group offers an electrifying musical experience. Expect an intoxicating cocktail of Rap, Funk and Soul, all amplified by the contagious energy of a live band determined to make you dance!
- 23h00: Maz Univerze and Friendz
It took a while for Maz’ beautiful, yet gory poetry notes to escape his bedroom drawer; for the pride flag to appear between metal posters. Today, he puts his thoughts into an explosion of alternative emo-rap with references to punk and metal music. He mixes skillful rap with distorted screams and melodic hooks; creating a dark, yet hopeful form of expression. As Maz enters the stage, he ties audiences up into the limb of a giant marionette. A powerful collective beast that puts up a fight against social injustices and inspires one to accept their own darkness just as much as their light. This captivating live energy seems to have escaped from secrecy, earning him slots at iconic festivals such as Sziget Festival or ESNS and the award for “Best Live Performer” at the Luxembourg Music Awards in 2022. Maz is currently based in Brussels and is working on his forthcoming album after having released his EMO SEASON EP.
- 21h45: Mutiny on the Bounty
Renowned for their electrifying live shows, Mutiny on the Bounty has never shied away from exploring new sonic textures while retaining their own distinctive identity. Now the quartet is ready to embark on the next chapter of what has been an epic journey.
The band’s signature sound is a mix of heavy riffs, intricate melodies, lush soundscapes and complex rhythms that are both challenging and accessible. After releasing a “split EP” in 2005 with fellow Luxembourg band Treasure Chest At The End Of The Rainbow, they followed up with their debut album, “Danger Mouth” released in 2009, and it quickly established the band as a force to be reckoned with in the math rock scene. Sophomore album “Trials”, released in 2012, recorded with the acclaimed producer Matt Bayles (Mastodon, Minus The Bear, Botch) in Seattle, gained critical acclaim all around the world. It saw the band experimenting with new sounds and textures, and it further established them as a band unafraid to take risks and push boundaries. The album was a tour de force, a complex and ambitious work that showcased the band’s growth and evolution over the years.
Mutiny on the Bounty has played more than 700 gigs across Europe, the US and Asia, including appearances at several high-profile festivals such as Roskilde, SXSW, ArcTanGent, Primavera Sound Barcelona, Great Escape or Fusion Festival sharing the stage with acts such
as Foals, Battles, Mumford and Sons, Biffy Clyro, And So I Watch You From Afar, TTNG and many more. This has allowed the quartet to hone their stagecraft while losing none of the spontaneity and passionate connection with the audience. Wanting to deliver a wider range of emotions and take a fresh approach to instrumentalization, the band probed more varied influences for 2015’s more danceable but darker “Digital Tropics” album, produced by Jan Kerscher. From rock to electro and even 80s pop and hip-hop, the album is packed with compellingly complex songs driven by groovy beats and topped by the band’s taste for mesmerising melodies, an appetite for which seems increasingly rare in this musical genre.
Post-pandemic, having got back into their live show groove, the band is ready for another shift in gear. Glitchy and electronic soundscapes will come even more to the fore as the quartet continues its quest for challenging yet catchy riffs and ethereal moods. And they will continue to play live shows that are as joyous as they are cathartic. On stage, the quartet explodes in a ball of high energy that equally makes audiences dance and scream at the same time. A Mutiny on the Bounty gig is truly an electric and raucous live experience.
- 20h30: Edsun
Edsun is a multitalented artist from Luxembourg combining his personal brand of R&B with contemporary dance and alluring visuals, resulting in highly entertaining performance ensembles.
Edsun began his musical journey with a melancholic dark air to his music, but has gradually transformed into uplifting unique sounds, peeling back layers that can weigh heavily, a transition that reflects Edsun’s personal journey. He is always driven by a sense of risk-taking and freedom, and belonging to the LGBTQ+ community contributes on avenue of inspiration in his art.
Edsun has achieved a great deal since launching his music career in 2015. He’s performed in many concerts and festivals across Europe, and opened for major acts such as Macy Gray, Jessie J, and Selah Sue. Edsun has released 2 EPs, and a multitude of singles achieving ample radio airplay that also performed well in local charts.
As for the future, Edsun intends to explore his cap verdean roots further in his music, with his focus now on creating hybrid performances of music, dance and film that tell a story and can equally be performed in theatres as well as in concert halls or open air. Plans for Edsun’s first album are also in the works.
- 19h30: Corbi
Corbi (de Kueb) Grënnungsmember vun der Formatioun De Läb, presentéiert e Set aus sengem Soloprogramm, ënnerstëtzt gëtt hien un den Decks vum DJ PC. Lëtzebuerger Boom-Bap Hip Hop am klassesche Format (1 MC an 2 Turntables). Et muss ee mëttlerweil keen Hellseher sinn, fir ze wëssen dat de Kueb, eng grouss Experienz mat sech bréngt, dee Borscht huet schonn all méiglech Bün am Land geklappt an et wäerten der nach puer kommen, well d’Bün ass säin Doheem. De 6. Mäerz 2015 war et dann och souwäit, d’Gebuertsstonn vu sengem 1. Solo-Album « De Gëllene Stull » huet geschloen. No enger gelongener Releaseparty an der Rockhal, huet sech säin 1. Meeschterwierk ënnert d’Vollek gemëscht. Den zolweraner Rhymeroboter bréngt Iech awer net nëmmen seng eegen, astudéiert Lidder mat fir ze schmaachen, mee och säin Talent fir sur Place, dem Motto vum Fräistil no, eppes z’erfannen. 2022 war et dunn nees souwäit; säin 2. Solo-Album “Kuebemania” ass den 21. Mee op Vinyl, CD an Digital erauskomm mat enger weiderer, klassescher Hip-Hop Release an de Rotondes. Bleift also drun, de Kueb wäert nach soubal net vun der Bildfläch verschwannen.
- 18h15: Le Vibe
Lively, authentic and full of joy: Meet LE VIBE, an eclectic reggae band consisting of six musicians.
Le Vibe continues to evolve and travel through different musical genres over the years. After a start mainly focused on Reggae, which persists in the band’s program, Le Vibe has made stops in
different musical worlds. Latin and African rhythms can be found here, but also elements of jazz, funk and pop.
Their honest and uplifting music strives to move and inspire their audience by working towards the goal of making people dance
and think.
They manage to achieve this by combining fun, sunny and groovy music with lyrics tackling social, psychological and spiritual topics in the spirit of Roots Reggae. At the end of the day, most of the sounds offered by Le Vibe can be considered as popular music in the broadest sense, including a wide variety of influences. With
a touch of humor and self-deprecation, which can especially be shared during concerts, Le Vibe’s main objective is to emit intriguing vibrations, but also to encourage people to join in the dance…
- 17h15: Ninon
Ninon is 22 years old and was born in Luxembourg. Ever since she was a kid, she’s been very creative and now still draws, paints and creates in her daily life.
Music is her greatest passion of all and she started singing at a very young age after growing up listening to French artists like Jean-Jacques Goldman and Daniel Balavoine. Ninon wrote her first songs on the piano at the age of 14-15 and later started to produce in her little appartment in Paris as well as releasing a first EP.
For Ninon, creating songs is her way of expressing herself. There’s nothing that makes her happier than writing lyrics, finding melodies and then ending up with the final songs she created. She doesn’t want to put limits on herself and wants to experiment as much as possible. The most important thing for her is to remain honest and transparent as she tries to break away from the norm and create original works.
- 16h30: Melvyn Schartz
Melvyn Schartz started as a solo project in 2022 but has gradually developed into a 5-member band through a shared passion for music. With great motivation, we write and perform various songs in the rock/pop genre and were even selected for the preselections of the LSC. With this momentum, we are especially looking forward to « Messtival » to be able to present our music!
- Downhill & Mountainbike Reckeng
- Éilenger Konschtwierk
- Fiederball Reckeng
- Gude Laune Tattoo
- Handmade Pottery by Corinne Franck
- Hip-Hop Based Education
- Jugendhaus Reckeng
- Kanner- a Jugendtelefon
- Madame Witzeg – Trisomie 21
- Pipapo
- Reckenger Musek
- Réseau Psy
- Rosa Lëtzebuerg
- Seefekëscht
- Tipptopp Artbus
- Start: 14 Auer
- beim Gemengenatelier
53, rue Jean-Pierre Hilger L-4980 Reckeng op der Mess - gratis Entrée
Offallgestioun an Nohaltegkeet
Léif Visiteuren,
D‘Gemeng Reckeng huet sech a sengem Leedbild vum Klimapakt 2.0 d‘Zil gesat, seng Manifestatiounen a Fester offallaarm an nohalteg ze gestalten. Um leschte Merlettëfest hu mir zum Beispill 600 Kilo Offall entsuergt. Offall, dee sech gréisstendeels aus Eewee-Produkter zesummesetzt.
Wéi Dir villäicht och wësst hu mir nach bis den 1. Januar 2025 Zäit fir eis Fester offallfräi ze maachen. Ab deem Moment dierfe mir keen Eewee-Material méi benotzen. Am Kader vun eiser Zilsetzung an der Berécksiichtegung vun de Gesetzer hu mir probéiert iwwert d’Joer 2024 vill Erfarungswäerter ze sammelen, ënner anerem mat engem gelounte, spullbare Behältersystem aus Plastik mat Pfand. (Virowend vun Nationalfeierdag, Chrëschtmaart)
Är Kooperatioun an Disziplin war bemierkenswäert a mir soen Iech Merci dofir, dass mir zesummen un engem an deem selwechte Strang zéie konnten. Nach bleiwen eis e puer Méint, fir den ideale System fir eis Reckenger Fester ze fannen.
Iwwert déi gesetzlech Fuerderungen eraus wëlle mir vum Merlettëfest profitéieren, fir en neie System an Zesummenaarbecht mam Recyclingzenter SIVEC, an deem d’Gemeng Reckeng op der Mess Member ass, ze testen: De Recyclingzenter krut rezent vum Lycée Guillaume Kroll vun Esch/Uelzecht e komplette Set u Keramik, ënnert anerem Telleren, Zoppentelleren an Tasen. Well dëse Lycée viru Kuerzem säi Logo geännert huet, a well op dësem Set nach dat aalt Logo ass, gëtt dëse Set net méi benotzt a muss ewechgeheit ginn. De Set ass allerdéngs an engem impeccabelen Zoustand a verdéngt en 2. (an en 3., an e 4. …) Liewen. Aus deem Gronn, kréie mir dëse Set gratis vum SIVEC zur Verfügung gestallt.
Hei sinn d’Virdeeler fir eis:
- Mir brauchen Iech kee Pfand dofir ze froen.
- Mir ginn net penaliséiert, falls ee Behälter net zeréck kënnt.
- (mee mir wëllen dat trotzdeem vermeiden)
Hei sinn d’Virdeeler fir Iech:
- Dir braucht kee Pfand dofir ze bezuelen.
- Dir iesst mat richtegem Besteck aus engem richtegen Teller an drénkt aus engem richtege Glas oder richteger Taass.
Hei sinn d‘Virdeeler fir eis Ressourcen:
- Et muss keen zousätzlecht Geschier fir eis produzéiert ginn.
Hei sinn d’Nodeeler fir Iech:
- … keng? (oder deelt eis se mat:, mir kënnen nëmmen draus léieren)
Alles wat mir Iech als kleng Géigeleeschtung froen ass:
- Benotzt Äre Behälter an Äert Besteck esou laang et geet a pass gutt op se op.
- Wann Dir si net méi gebraucht, bréngt se w.e.g. selwer bei d’Spullmaschinn oder op de jeeweilege Stand zeréck.
Zousätzlech Informatiounen:
- De ganze Weekend ass et de Stänn iwwerlooss, fir méi speziell Glieser (Cocktails, Béierdégustatioun, …) Pfand ze froen.
- D’Zerwéiten aus recycléiertem Pabeier wäerten och 2025 weiderhin erlaabt bleiwen, sou dass déi gratis sinn. Mir bieden Iech dës an de grénge Poubellen z’entsuergen, da kann de Minett-Kompost wäertvolle Kompost draus maachen.
- À propos Poubellen: Géingt Dir eis mam Tri hëllefen? Um Site sti gro (Reschtoffall), gréng (Bio), blo (Pabeier) Poubellen a Valorlux-Tuten.
- Schallimoen. Ei, ei, ei … Schallimoen. Där bidde mir keng méi un. Och keng aus Kartong (Offall) oder Makkaroni (Gaspillage alimentaire) Allerdéngs! Wann Dir oder Är Kanner aus engem bestëmmte Gronn op Schallimoen ugewise sidd, da maacht d’Leit hannert dem Stand w.e.g. drop opmierksam. Sou kënne mir zesummen eng Léisung fannen. Oder bréngt einfach Är Mehrweg-Schallimoe vun doheem mat.
- Mir invitéieren Iech och, Är eege Behälter, Besteck oder Glieser matzebréngen. (Och falls Dir Är Reschter mat heem huele wëllt – „Doggy Bag“.)
- Iwwert de Site hu mir Waasserpunkte verdeelt, dofir denkt un Äre Bidon.
D’Merlettëfest – eng klimafrëndlech Affär:
- 50% vun all de Produite sinn entwéider biologesch, lokal oder fairgehandelt
- SMOOTH op de Festival ënnerwee zu Fouss, mam Vëlo, Bus, Zuch, Messbus oder der Messtival-Navette
- d’Bünebeliichtung besteet ganz aus LED
- Vill vegetaresch/vegan Optiounen
- keng onnëtz goodies oder Verpakungen